50 Years of Women's Varsity Athletics at Yale: A Historic Retrospective
Women's Swimming Team 1978
Women's Swimming Team 1978
Front Row (l-r): Lisa Price (Manager), Tammy Sullivan, Lauren Stevens, Sue Doten, Premi Chandra, Helen Hyde, Nancy Cahill.
Second Row (l-r): J.B. Bonnelli (Diving Coach), Eleni Pournas (Manager), Shari Nethersole, Kathy Morrissey, Carolyn Hyde, Melanie Ginter, Carla Epps, Kim Bean, Robin Barry, Eve Atkinson (Swimming Coach).
Third Row (l-r): Sheryl Chen, Ginger Woo, Molly Smith, Polly MacMullen, Amy Grabino, Mary Anne Dooley, Judy Aronson, Kathy Martini.
Second Row (l-r): J.B. Bonnelli (Diving Coach), Eleni Pournas (Manager), Shari Nethersole, Kathy Morrissey, Carolyn Hyde, Melanie Ginter, Carla Epps, Kim Bean, Robin Barry, Eve Atkinson (Swimming Coach).
Third Row (l-r): Sheryl Chen, Ginger Woo, Molly Smith, Polly MacMullen, Amy Grabino, Mary Anne Dooley, Judy Aronson, Kathy Martini.
Manuscripts and Archives
Ybb 1978 v.1 c.1 Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library
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