Coming Out Today

In honor of National Coming Out Day, I curated a "Monthly Special" exhibit which was on display October 9-13, 2023 in the YDS Library Special Collections reading room. Part of my preperation for this exhibit included the creation of a survey, through which I aimed to uplifit the voices of current LGBTQ+ students at YDS. These students shared their personal thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the concept of "coming out" in response to the following question:
What thoughts, feelings, or reactions does the discussion of coming out bring up for you?
“Sad that coming out is even a thing.”
“It's both affirming and anxiety-producing.”
“I would rather everyone be assumed queer and require cis-straight people to come out to us.”
“Telling the world who you are in your own way can be such a beautiful and community-building experience.”
“I am proud of myself each time I come out.”
“Like an imposter.”
“Frustrated by the assumptions people have made, and continue to make, about me.”
“Love for all those in and out of the closet.”
“Annoyance that our culture necessitates coming out.”
“Shame at having hidden in the closet for so long.”
“Pride for being out for a while.”
“Coming out is liberation, and liberation is...I mean, isn't it kind of the whole point of being here?!”
“Fortunate to have two parents who made coming out to them a safe and positive experience.”
“Grief for every time I’ve had to hide who I am.”
“Coming out brings out feelings of discomfort for me because of the inherent risk involved and the power imbalance between queer and cis-straight people.”