Deaf: Cultures and Communication, 1600 to the Present
We have many people to thank for their generous assistance and support.
Melissa Grafe, head of the Medical Historical Library, has been an energetic supporter of this project from day one, and she was crucial to the planning, editing, installation, and promotion of the exhibit in both physical and online formats.
Flo Gillich worked her magic on our older images and both digitized and printed high-quality visuals.
Our exhibit would not exist without Martha Horan’s careful management of our collection.
Susan Wheeler’s keen eye for visuals enhanced our promotional materials.
Kelly Perry was integral to the successful publicity of our exhibit with her masterful Photoshop and graphic design skills.
Charlotte Abney Saloman helped with editing our labels and installing the exhibit.
Terry Dagradi shot excellent photographs of the exhibit, its curators, and visitors during our exhibit tours.
Melanie Norton and Kevin and Aletia Garvey advertised the exhibit among Yale staff and the local Deaf community.
The faculty and graduate students of the Program for the History of Science and Medicine provided generous academic, moral, and financial support.
The archivists at Yale’s Sterling Memorial Library and Beinecke Library kindly lent us the sources and artifacts that are the heart of this exhibit.
The American School for the Deaf—busy with their own centennial planning—came from Hartford to view the exhibit. Special thanks to Brad Moseley, Jeff Bravin, and Liz DeRosa for their feedback and encouragement.
The Gallaudet University Archives generously granted permission to use photos from their online collection.
Laura Mauldin gave a fabulous talk on her new book Made to Hear in conjunction with our exhibit.
Christina Kim publicized our physical exhibit in the Yale Scientific and provided valuable feedback on the accessibility of the exhibit display.