Founders of the Medical Historical Library
Item set
Melissa Grafe, Ph.D., John Robinson Bumstead Librarian for Medical History, 2011-present
John H. Bumstead Book Fund bookplate
John Henry Bumstead, 1897-1957
Toby Anita Appel, Medical Historical Librarian, 1994-2004, John Robinson Bumstead Librarian for Medical History, 2004-2010
Ferenc Gyorgyey, Medical Historical Librarian, 1968-1994
Bookplate of the Madeline Stanton Fund
Madeline Stanton in the Historical Library office
Madeline Earle Stanton, Secretary of the Historical Library, 1939-1949 and Librarian of the Historical Collections, 1949-1968
John Fulton and F.N.L. Poynter in the Medical Historical Library
John Fulton showing Vesalius's Fabrica to guest
European ivory anatomical manikins of a male and a pregnant female
Page from Tabvlae anatomicae LXXIIXX: omnes nouae nec ante hac visae. [Anatomical Tables]
Gertrude von Wagenen, Ph.D., 1893-1978
George Milton Smith bookplate
Plate from Animantium terrestrium, volatilium, et aquatilium effigies ad vivum depictae. [Images of Terrestrial, Flying, and Aquatic Animals Depicted from Nature].
George Milton Smith, M.D., 1879-1951
Samuel Clark Harvey, 1886-1953
Samuel Clark Harvey Fund bookplate
Page from Chirurgie d'armée : ou traité des plaies d'armes a feu, et d'armes blanches, avec des observations sur ces maladies
Clements C. Fry bookplate
The Surgeon
“It’s a pity I didn’t get to your case earlier, Mrs. Perkins…,”
A Psalm of Deaths and Other Poems
A Psalm of Deaths contains some of Mitchell’s most important early poems that long remained unpublished. -
Cover of Five Hundred Years of Medicine in Art: An Illustrated Catalogue of Prints and Drawings in the Clements C. Fry Collection in the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library at Yale University.
The catalog of the Fry Print Collection contains descriptions and black and white images of over 1600 prints. -
Clements Collard Fry, M.D., 1892-1955