Founders of the Medical Historical Library
Item set
Edward Clark Streeter Fund bookplate
Edward Clark Streeter bookplate
Wool Weight, dating from the early years of the reign of George I
Pages from Trattato della pittura [Treatise on Painting]
Title page from De ponderibvs et mensvris. [On Weights and Measures]
Book from Edward Clark Streeter's collection. -
Menu for “Rabelaisian” dinner in honor of Edward Clark Streeter
Edward Clark Streeter and his son John
The Streeter Collection of Weights and Measures
Edward Clark Streeter, M.D., 1874-1947
Title page from Incunabula scientific et medica. Short Title List.
Charles Sherrington, Harvey Cushing, William Henry Welch, Graham Moon, and John F. Fulton at Klebs’ home, Les Terrasses, in Nyon, Switzerland.
Title page from Loimologia: or, An Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665: with Precautionary Directions Against the Like Contagion. To Which is Added, an Essay on the Different Causes of Pestilential Diseases, and How They Became Contagious ... By John Quincy, M.D
This work has been described as the best medical record of the Great Plague of London in 1665. -
A practical essay concerning the small pox AND Account of the Success of Inoculating the Small-pox in Great-Britain, for the Year 1724.
Both works from the Klebs collection of inoculation and early vaccination literature, which formed the basis for his early bibliography, numbering over 1000 items. -
Pages from Distillierbuch der rechten Kunst, von Kreutern, Wurtzeln, Bluen, Samen, Früchten, vnnd Gethier, ware Beschreibung vnnd Abcontrafaytung, wie man die Wasser davon bre-nen, distillieren, halten vnd gebrauchen soll, für alle Gebrechen des gantzen menschlichen Cörpers.
This 16th century book by the surgeon Brunschwig on preparation by distillation of all parts of herbs “for all uses of the entire human body.” -
Christmas card designed by Arnold Klebs with one of his favorite quotations by Milton
Arnold Carl Klebs, M.D., at his home, Les Terrasses
Fulton Fund bookplate and bookplate from the personal library of John Fulton
Arnold Klebs and John Fulton
Title page from Essay on Teeth; Comprising a Brief Description of Their Formation, Diseases, and Proper Treatment
This early American work on dentistry, part of Fulton’s anesthesia collection, was published by Hartford dentist Horace Wells when he was only 23. Wells discussed here the problem of toothache and other dental pain and the available means of alleviation. -
Title page from The Centennial of Surgical Anesthesia: An Annotated Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets bearing on the Early History of Surgical Anesthesia, Exhibited at the Yale Medical Library, October 1946.
Bibliography of John Fulton’s collection of works on anesthesia. -
Tractatus quinque medico-physici. [Five medico-physical tracts]
This book, five treatises on nitro-aerial spirits, respiration, fetal respiration, muscular motion, and rickets, is a medical classic. -
New Experiments Physico-mechanical, Touching Spring of the Air, and its Effects. (Made, For the Most Part, in a New Pneumatical Engine).
A Bibliography of the Honourable Robert Boyle
John F. Fulton’s A Bibliography of the Honourable Robert Boyle (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1932) remains the authoritative bibliography for works of the famous 17th century natural philosopher, chemist, and physiologist. -
Religio medici
Religio medici, essays on the religious philosophy of a practicing doctor, has been said to be one of the most famous works of English literature written by a physician. -
John Farquhar Fulton, D.Phil., M.D., 1899-1960