Global Encounters and the Archives: Britain’s Empire in the Age of Horace Walpole

Exhibit Items

Anonymous, The Female Combatants
Anonymous, The Able Doctor, or, America...
Anonymous, The Brave Old Hendrick, the Great...
Anonymous, The Dance of the Calumet of the Sun...
Anonymous, Loum Kiqua (April, 1757)
Anonymous, A Lady's Dressing Room in Calcutta
George Townshend, Sawney...
George Cruikshank, The Court at Brighton...
James Gillray, The Reception of...
Anonymous, A New Humorous Song on...
William Elmes, Capt. Keith & Family Betrayed...
Williams Augustus Duke of Cumberland, "Copy of...
"Remarks on the Reduction of the Cherokee"
Lord Clive's speech in the House of Commons
Copy of a letter of Intelligence...
Considerations on the Agreement of the Lords...
Anonymous, A Short View of the Dispute...
"Map of Havana" (1762)
George Keppel, Earl of Albermarle, "Letter to...
Abraham James, Martial Law in Jamaica
Anonymous, Farmington, Connecticut Land Deed
"Observations made by Mrs. Percivall when...
Alured Clarke, "Letter to Charlotte" (August 3, 1734)
John Trusler, Memoirs, Part II