Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou
The revival of the Lingnan Spirit within Sun Yat-sen University had been promoted mainly by enthusiastic Guangzhou alumni over many years. On March 27, 1988, the 100th Anniversary of Lingnan University celebration was held at Sun Yat-sen University, and Hao Keming, who represented the National Education Commission, made the announcement of approving the establishment of Lingnan (University) College, abbreviated to L(U)C, within SYSU. Sun Yat-sen University, to a large extent, allowed L(U)C to be self-governed with a view to making it a testing ground for educational reform and a bridge for international cooperation.
Since instruction began at L(U)C in 1989, not only has L(U)C cherished the old Lingnan’s motto of “education for service” but also set up the new mission of the College: to reach out further to the world, intensify educational reform, connect and unite Lingnan Alumni both in China and abroad, and cultivate high-quality talented individuals for the country.
Upon the establishment of L(U)C, as a result of discussions between Sun Yat-sen University and Lingnan Foundation, L(U)C has become a key recipient of support from the Foundation. The Foundation’s support for L(U)C is still continuing and has the longest history among all the grant programs at the University. As L(U)C has been devoted to the establishment and development of programs in economics, applied economics, and business management, the Foundation provides funding to support early- and mid-career faculty members of these departments taking half-year or yearly leave for advanced study and research abroad, mainly in the United States. Furthermore, in cooperation with the Foundation, L(U)C has established student exchange program and sent dozens of undergraduates and MBA students to overseas institutions for a half-year exchange.

Lee, Sui-ming. "A Phoenix of South China: The Story of Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University" (Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2005). This history book of L(U)C is a comprehensive work on Lingnan Alumni’s efforts to establish L(U)C within Sun Yat-sen University, where the former Lingnan campus was located.