Manuscript horoscope chart with Donkey and 16 degrees Leo rising
Hand-colored horoscope chart featuring the houses associated with health
Manuscript horoscope chart showing the "joys of the Planets" in the houses
Manuscript horoscope chart showing the "joys of the Planets" in the houses
Manuscript horoscope chart showing the nature of the 12 houses
Rectangular horoscope chart highlighting the houses associated with the human body
Rectangular horoscope chart with house explanations in English
Rectangular horoscope chart with house explanations in Latin
Rectangular horoscope chart with Four Qualities
Rectangular Horoscope Chart, with Sings of the Zodiac
Figure inscribed within a rectangular horoscopic chart
Brass astrolabe from the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
Physician's Astrolabe
Passions and Diseases as the Meteors of Man's Body
The Four Times of Year, the Nature and Qualities of Each, plus the Months, Signs, and Winds
Circular Calendar, with the Four Winds
Foldout black-and-white print featuring a Microcosmic Man figure as part of a Prescription/Herbal Treatment Calendar
Manuscript image of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac: Leo, Virgo; Aquarius, Pisces
Manuscript image of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Cancer; Sagittarius, Capricon
Manuscript image of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac: Aries, Taurus; Libra, Scorpio
Calendar for the Year 1541, showing weather predictions, times of year, good dates for medical intervention
Calendar for the Year 1541, showing weather predictions, times of year, good dates for medical intervention
Volvelle calculator with two wheels to demonstrate the movement of the moon
Volvelle calculator to determine the position of the sun with regard to year, month, and astrological sign
"The Dominical Letter" Volvelle, Astronomicum Caesareum (1540)