Depicting Skin Disease
Hutchinson wrote in the preface to Descriptive Catalogue…
"…..The original portraits have been done from nature with the most exact attention to fidelity, and have been supervised by a committee appointed by the Council….Our plates are….not only illustrations of typical varieties of disease, but faithful portraits of individual patients."
"…In selecting the diseases to be illustrated, the Council has preferred good, typical examples of definite maladies, in stages of at least average severity. Rare diseases have not on that account been avoided, since it is in respect to those not frequently seen that the value of a portrait for purposes of diagnosis is especially felt."
…from the preface of Hutchinson’s Descriptive Catalogue where the plates are described.
There is no clinical information on plate 46, issued in 1882, for by that time, the Descriptive Catalogue was no longer published. This affected the last five plates of the atlas.