Women in Science and Engineering at Yale (2020 Edition)
Grace E. Pickford (1902–1986), Ph.D.
In the mid-1920s, Grace Pickford collaborated in limnological studies with Yale’s G. Evelyn Hutchinson in South Africa. She received her Ph.D. from Yale in 1931. She had a long association with Yale’s Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory, becoming Full Professor in 1969. She was the author or co-author of > 130 publications, 78 concerned with fish endocrinology. She was awarded the Wilbur Cross Medal for distinguished service by Yale University and the cephalopod community designated the generic name Pickfordiateuthis in her honor (Ball, 1987). The Grace Pickford Medal was founded in 1980 for recognizing the achievements of a comparative endocrinologist under the age of 45.