Women in Science and Engineering at Yale (2020 Edition)
Priyadarshini Panda, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department of Electrical Engineering
Priyadarshini Panda leads the Intelligent Computing Lab in Dunham Lab. Her research interests lie in Neuro-morphic Computing, spanning developing novel algorithms and architectures (with CMOS/emerging technology) for both deep learning and more brain–inspired spiking neural networks.
“Can machines think?” This is a question that was raised by the English mathematician, computer scientist, and philosopher Alan Turing (1912–1954) (Turing, 1950). It presents opportunities for research across the computing stack from Algorithm-to-Hardware (including Architecture-Circuit-Device) that Professor Panda is exploring to enable machine intelligence. Her goal is to empower energy–aware and energy-efficient machine intelligence through algorithm-hardware co-design while being secure to adversarial scenarios and catering to the resource constraints of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Image credit: TIA Telecommunications Industry Association