Learn more about Yale's first Black students

Shining Light on Truth: Early Black Students at Yale is a research project dedicated to understanding and uplifting the stories of Black students who attended Yale before 1940. It is the first comprehensive effort to identify Black students in Yale’s history.

We know there is more to discover. We invite you to explore the site and use the search tools as a jumping-off point for further research.

The long, rich, and ongoing record of Black achievement at Yale

At least 250 Black students attended the university before 1940—studying in Yale College, Sheffield Scientific School, the graduate school, and the divinity, law, medical, art, drama, and music schools.

See the students

The national and global reach of Yale's early Black students

While many early Black students hailed from New Haven, others came from the South, other parts of New England, or elsewhere around the world.

Three overlapping black and white photos of different locations - buildings, including a tower, with a lake in the foreground; a large building with a crowd of people in front; and a street scene with a carriage and pedestrians. All images appear to be from the late 19th or early 20th century.

We welcome inquiries and feedback.

If you have questions or would like to share information about a Black student who attended Yale before 1940, please contact us.


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