The Laboratory of Epidemiology and Public Health (LEPH)

Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale: A Yale Tercentennial Exhibit, was on display in the rotunda of the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library from September through November 2001. The exhibit is in three sections, the first on the teaching of public health at Yale in the late 19th century and the creation of the Department of Public Health in 1915, the second on the independent development of the Section of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine in the Department of Medicine, and the third on the union of these to form Epidemiology and Public Health, a department of the Medical School as well as an accredited school of public health.

The original exhibit was prepared by Toby Appel, Historical Librarian, with the assistance Matthew Wilcox, EPH Librarian. Toby Appel, Mona Florea, and Gillian Mayman prepared the Web adaptation.
