Medicine in World War I
In commemoration of the centennial of America's entry into World War I in April 1917 through to the Armistice in November 1918, partner institutions contributing to the Medical Heritage Library have developed this collaborative online exhibit on medicine, surgery, and nursing in the war, with texts and images drawn from the digital corpus of the MHL. A significant amount of professional medical and surgical literature was produced even as the conflict continued to rage, and many personal narratives of physicians and nurses and histories of hospitals and army medical units were also published in the years immediately after the war. A selection of this material is incorporated into the exhibit.
Medicine in World War I is divided into several broad categories: common diseases of the battlefield and camps; injuries and prosthetic devices; shell-shock and stress; military nursing; and the Spanish influenza epidemic. There are also sections of bibliographic references with links to items in the Medical Heritage Library and a short list of other exhibits devoted to World War I and medicine.
Jack Eckert, Harvard University; Melissa Grafe, Yale University; Paul Theerman, New York Academy of Medicine; Allison Piazza, New York Academy of Medicine; Maria Rios, Yale University; Katie Healey, Yale University; and Phoebe Evans Letocha, Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions